
Thursday, April 24, 2008

It was almost a week of my medicine rotation. That means it has been a week i was at the ward.

I was placed at the endocrine ward. Most of the cases are diabetic cases.

Things i wanted to share this time is about an incident that occur during this one week.

When i was walking in the hospital with my white coat, people really look up to you.
They call you doctor. like this morning i was running down the stairs,and the guard was saying to his friend.." kasik laluan2, bakal doktor nk lalu ni"

Well one could imagine how was the feeling, (berbunga dlm hati ye)
but one word cross my mind
as I pass by the guard with my head facing down.
Ashamed of myself if i look up to myself just because people look up to me,
ashamed of myself if could not be humble when i become a doctor.

so my friend,if any one of us forget on how to be humble,
forget that we are in the same ground as others,
please..please. ..please remind me, please remind each other.

i would like to share one beautiful dua which was taught to me
( may the person who taught me gain the barakah)

Allahmumma ja'alni fi ainy saghira, wa ja'alni fi a'yninasi kabira

"Ya Allah jadikan aku kecil di mataku,dan jadikan aku besar di mata orang lain"