battle begin

Monday, October 12, 2009

today is the first day of my first part of my degree exam.

Last night my sleep was interrupted, i accidentally slept after putting some ointment to relief my stomach pain. then awake at 3.30am. try to sleep again but the picture of public health with some questions keep projecting in my brain. Then had a night mare, awake again at 4.30 then pull myself back to sleep with difficulties until 545am. wake up n perform prayer, then had some dizziness so i try to sleep again and wake up around 645+ and start reading again.

Today is

ESSAY  900-1200
MCQ     230-330

the outcome
gosh, its reallllllllly...really tiring.....
and i manage to detect a lot of error on my answer....sad
Im really bad with my MCQ

just hope i pass this paper without having to sit for any VIVA or reseat paper....

came home unable to sleep but feeling mentally exhausted.

Allah, help me get through this


mediaposter said...

HEY ~~~~

GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!!

mediaposter said...

stomach pain? nightmare?


maryam nabielah said...

the stomach pain is just wind trap, luckily it sooth off pretty fast.

yup eyes was force to see what i'm not suppose to see
but thinking about it again, sometimes we have to see the world from different perspectives, thats when the world become matrix...this world is just an illusion..

ihsan_huhu said...

slmt maju jaya. g tgk blog naq ade perkembangan terkini. kasik kurg sket stress ko tuh. haahaahah