The motherly instinct

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

When i was in my first week of the OnG rotation, all i can feel is pain.. looking at the mother suffering during labor. trying to bear the intolerable pain. seeing cutting and stitching of vagina, i feel like something is crawling on my skin.

My group mate, boys, being very concerned in his own way saying to me..

"siti, sakit hati la tengok, so painful."

"siti, u nanti caesarean section la"

very concerned of them.

now i am in my second week of OnG rotation, my motherly instinct suddenly burst out.

I can't wait to have my own,i can't wait to experienced the pregnancy, experienced the miracle


hihi i know a lot of people are waiting, my friends keep asking when am i going to get a baby...hehe easy for them to say, who going to take care of the baby...huhu..

anyway, can't wait for the little creature to come to this world.. and i know my hubby is patiently waiting....

pray..pray ....the cute, adorable maryam jr


Syafiq Afifi said...

kalau ank laki x dela mariam jr

maryam nabielah said...

ok zaki jr...ok tak..

fiezanur said...

cantiknye blog, waching epi's indeed painful. freedom to choose n responsibility to bear the consequences eh? hehe

Zacharias said...
