LIfe, death and a new life

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Today is the first day i watch delivery. i was 9am when i enter the labor room

There a 3 patients waiting to deliver. one is still waiting for her cervix to dilate to 10cm and waiting for active phase(where contraction more than 1 in 10mins).

on the other room ,this lady was screaming from time to time when the contraction pain came. her cervix is already in full dilatation.Meaning it's time for baby to come out.

This is her first child, so i guess it is a bit difficult for her with zero experience.

She had difficult time pushing. the contraction pain can be really painful to her. i imagine myself when having severe diarrhoea and vomiting, i will feel really tired after a few episode of vomiting and all you want to do is just to sleep and rest. And i believe this is what this lady is experiencing. she just want to sleep off the pain. she did not even open her eyes.

but this is not the time, she have to bared the pain for the sake of the baby's life.
Time is running and the baby have to be delivered. The baby's heart beat getting slower. we can hear the beat from the CTG which was attached to mother's tummy. She have to push harder so the baby can come out, but her energy has drained with the pain.

But the beauty of it, when the contraction came, that's the time when mother have to push.Thus the pain will go off when u push. the harder you push, the faster the baby will come out and the faster the pain will swept off.

One of the nurse was saying " teran lagi, ini masa untuk berjuang, jangan tidur" ( push some more, this is the battle time, don't sleep"

Yes indeed it is a battle. between life and death of the baby that had been carried for 9 months.
(not to forget pregnancy itself is a battle of death for mothers)

A few doctor's was called in.

The baby has already passed meconium(first feaces) which is a very dangerous condition as it can enter the lung when the baby inhale and leads to death. A vaccum was used to suck the baby out..... and done....Alhamdulillah. Another life.