
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

i went to have my eyes check at focus point. i can't remember the last time i had my eyes check, maybe 5 years ago.

i have predict the power will increase and it does, by 100. the person that done the checking seems to have a surprise look on his face.

i change my contact lens to a new power. MasyaAllah everything seems to be so clear. i can't believe that this world look brighter than it used to be. all this while i have adapted to this under power visual acuity. Before this, when i drive, i can't read the signboard until i am near to it. people will honk me especially at a diverse road.haha

now i learn to appreciate this ni'mat given by Allah.
i believe this is the feeling those who suffers from eye disease such as cataract when they regain their eyesight back with one simple surgery.

take of your eyes as it is one of the thousand ni'mat grand by Allah